1:1 Trauma Tonic Package
1:1 Trauma Tonic Package
For the next 12 months, each month, I’ll work with 5 people on clearing and transforming core family trauma patterns.
This month, JANUARY, we start with daddy issues.
We’ll clear the pattern inherited from father that is holding you back, no longer serving you or getting between you two. Also prime time to release blocks in how much you can receive, feeling like you are enough, and feeling capable and strong.
There’s no judgement on anyone. These patterns could be subconscious to him and inherited from his birth parents.
I’ll work with you and your guides to connect you to your Source and update your energy grid and frequency where you are ready to make a change.
Each upgrade is related to the monthly theme. In January, we’ll look at releasing patterns of not feeling good enough to our dad. Disappointing him. Feeling Sad.
Sign up for 12 months, get 12 personal sessions, plus a 60-minute live 1:1 session. I record each monthly sessions for you, email them to you, and you can listen at your leisure.
I’ll send you a recorded reading and clearing on your family trauma imprints. They are usually about 20 minutes long.
Each month will have a theme based on what’s triggered in our collective hive mind. (The Internets.) And how that relates to your personal family triggers.
It’s $1,111. I can only work with a few people, so if this resonates with you, please sign up soon. FYI, 2 of 5 spots are filled.