1:1 Deep Work Wellness Package

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1:1 Deep Work Wellness Package


In this work we go deep!

Neurologically, all humans before the age of eight years old are wildly impressionable and think everything is their fault.

As a result, we create stories about events that we experience yet don’t understand, which become the subconscious soundtrack in our lives.

In our session together, we will explore and map trauma patterns to the subconscious driving forces in your life that you are ready to let go of and make more space for what you want to create.

Trauma can be a triggering word, so to be very clear, this can be something that happened in early childhood that we didn’t understand, it could be something we inherited up to two generations back or it could be something that is obviously tramautic, like a car accident, assault or living in a patriarchy.

We get to the root of ‘It’ together, and then do work to shift, release and reset your state to your natural state of ease and grace.


The Details

  • 20-minute call to talk about what you want to work on

  • 90-minute 1:1 video call via Zoom

  • remote energy clearing with a recorded reading

  • 20-minute follow up call

The Logistics

Once you purchase your Deep Wellness Package, you will receive an intake form for new clients, directions on how to make the most of our work together and access to our schedule.

If you have any questions and want to contact us before booking, please drop us a note here.

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