Your Uplifting Intention is HUMOROUS.
laughter brings levity, joy, and opening
Your light-hearted demeanor shines through the most intense situations.
Your radiant smile brightens the world you walk in.
Your belly-laugh is infectious, opening hearts and minds.
It’s not that you don’t appreciate the gravity or urgency of a certain scenario.
Rather that your heart feels loved and supported by a force bigger than you, so it’s easier to embrace the little joys in life.
Humor is a cure-all for stuck energy.
Crack yourself up and kick-start transformation.
Embody your humor.
Root into your presence.
And accelerate your personal growth
with our Uplifting Intentions practice.
Here's what some folks had to say about it:
“Heading to a trade show in Oakland and I was feeling a major draw to my warm bed but your “inspired” note helped me get in the shower and face the day!”
“The Universe never ceases to amaze in knowing exactly what we need to be reminded of, and when! Each intention feels like a dally blessing, over and over again.”
“I can’t tell you how much I love getting your cards in my inbox. It’s an outright magical experience every time. They’re so spot on. Thanks again for the synchronicities!”